Dream Steam Winter Cleanup
During the winter months, we all put a lot of energy into snow removal and keeping ice buildup at bay. What about your carpets? How much energy do you put into conserving them? Give us a call today!
While the ice melting solutions for your building is important for the safety of staff and customers, we understand that high foot traffic over the winter may cause an unsightly appearance on carpeted areas.
According to the National Minerals Information Center, many sodium and magnesium chloride ice-melting solutions are soluble in water which means Dream Steam’s hot water extraction system is a good match for cleaning up high foot traffic areas where the carpeted areas begin to turn white.
Dream Steam would love to show you the time and attention we put into using this method for cleaning your office building this winter. Give us a call at (651) 340-3484 to set up your free estimate!
DreamSteam Carpet Cleaning Services
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