Winter Messes that Dream Steam Can Help You With

We are in the middle of dead winter: snow is on the ground, frost is on the windows, and everyone is bundling up to stay warm. While winter might be fun for the avid skiers and snowmobilers of Minnesota, it can also be a hassle for homeowners. Winter brings along its own unique set of problems, and no matter how hard you try to avoid them, there’s just no way around it. 

Whether you’re stuck dealing with an icy driveway, slushy entryways, frozen pipes, or dirty shoes, there’s a whole list of things Minnesota homeowners need to be wary of during the winter. Not only is your family's health and safety on the line, but you also have to maintain your home clean and safe.

At Dream Steam MN we know all about winter’s little problems and have experienced team members ready to help out. If your Minnesota home is looking for some winter cleaning assistance, here are 5 great examples of how Dream Steam MN can help:

1. Salt-Stained Carpets

Though rock salt is a great way to prevent slips and falls in your icy driveway, the dissolved salt crystals can wreak havoc on your carpet once it’s tracked inside. When snow and slush falls off peoples’ shoes, melts, and dries up, a little bit of salt residue is left behind – leaving an unappealing white stain and stiff, damaged carpet. If left untreated, the damage and stains can become permanent, forcing you to replace your carpet sooner than expected. By scheduling a regular carpet cleaning with Dream Steam, we can make sure your carpets look great and stay protected from salt stain damage.

2. Burst Pipes

If you’ve learned anything about living in Minnesota, I’m sure you’ve learned that the winters can be bitterly cold. So cold, that if you aren’t careful, your pipes might freeze and burst. In the unfortunate event in which that does happen, make sure you call the pros at Dream Steam to help take care of any water damage.  We specialize in water damage and restoration.

3. Coffee Spills (or Hot Chocolate!)

As the temperatures get colder and colder, don’t be surprised if you and your family start drinking more hot beverages. Whether it’s coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, you’re bound to see more mugs sitting in your sink during the winter, and that only means one thing: more chances for spills. When the inevitable does happen, don’t be afraid to call the professionals. We use specially formulated cleaning solutions that are designed to remove those pesky coffee stains, leaving your carpet looking good as new.

4. HVAC Cleaning

Unless you prefer your home to be as cold as the Frozen Tundra outside, you’ll probably want your home heating system to work. Unfortunately, if you’ve neglected to clean your HVAC system, there’s a good chance you have a dust buildup limiting your building’s heating capabilities. Not only that, but with your HVAC system continually pumping out dusty, dirty air, you also increase your family’s chances of getting sick – and you definitely don’t need more of that during cold and flu season.

5. Before or After Party Carpet Cleaning

Although all the holiday parties are done away with, you might still have more celebrations coming up throughout the year.  Keep Dream Steam in mind as your source for cleaning your carpets after a big event at home.  We also can help you with your area rugs, vinyl flooring and hardwood floor cleaning. 

Let’s face it: no homeowner likes dealing with winter’s problems. By calling the service pros at Dream Steam MN, we can help alleviate some of the stress. 

Curious about how we can help you this winter?  

Dream Steam Carpet Cleaning

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